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Get started in 5 easy steps...

1) Choose your charity
Start by choosing the charity you would like to donate your lemonade stand earnings to. This is important since you will need their name on your stand and promotional material.

Select one of the below forms:

(United Way Charity Selection and Remittance Form)

(General Charity Selection and Remittance Form)

2) Develop your marketing plan
After you’ve made your choice, we recommend you make a Marketing Plan on how you would like your business to run; chose your products, your price, where to sell, advertise and everything else you need to make your stand successful. The profits you make on your stand will help the charity of your choice! See the Marketing Plan Section.

3) Gather friends
Who likes making a stand alone? Get your friends to help you out or create their Lemons to Lemonade stand too and join in all the fun!

4) Start making a profit and sending money to your charity
Once you have made your profits, remember to send the money via check or credit card to your selected charity using the forms above.

5) Share your Experience and Pictures
Take lots of pictures of your stand and marketing efforts and share them with us trough our flickr account. (See Photo Gallery)

6) Be sure to share your news
Tell us how much you have donated!